Mondays,,, Blah! I don't even work Mondays and I can't get excited about them. The reason being,,, PAPERWORK! The one thing I will procrastinate on until there is no choice but to make some tea, take my adult ADD medicine and prepare myself for hours of mental agony. I would rather be lunching and day drinking and continue enjoying my weekend or shall I say lack there of since I worked all day Saturday. It really wasn't that bad. I always try to bear in mind that it could always be worse.
After leaving my job of 17 years I decided to live the American dream and start my own business. It comes with it's pros and cons but I'm here to tell you it's better then working for the man. Especially when that man is a liar and a crook, not to mention a sexist and an adulterer. I know this my all sound harsh but I have insider insight, as I was married to this mans nephew for 11 years and all total have known the perpetrator for a grand total of 23 years, as long as my new husbands daughter is old. Since 1988, a life time of memories, some good ,some bad, but a lot of them rich in the gaining of knowledge and wisdom. The great thing about knowledge is that it comes with a certain amount of power. It's how you use that power to benifit yourself and others. I love the quote that knowledge speaks but wisdom listens. I think Jimi Hendrix said it, at least that is what my 17 year old son says. There is much truth in that statement and you realize that more and more as each year passes. When I quit my job several people asked me if I was afraid. Well the truth is of course I was a little. After all it was all that I had known for seventeen years. I had devoted my life and a big part of my heart and soul to this company with so little as even a thank you from the big chief in charge. How ever I was a lot more afraid not to quit. Because staying there would have been certain death. The place just kept going down hill and now lacks the artistic integrity that used to be it's forte. I no longer wanted my name associated with it. I'm not the captain so there fore I do not have to sink with the ship. I will say I have no regrets, except that maybe I didn't take the leap of faith a little sooner but I suppose all things run their course. What I do have are lots of stories, full of juicy details. :) Happy Monday to all of you!
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