Happy New years one and all! It's 2012 and we're all still here, I guess the Mayans were wrong! I personally am very happy to meet you. 2011 was a year of big change for me. I guess you could call it my year of passive aggressive. Instead of living publicly and out there on the edge, I got all quiet and secretive. I got married without telling anyone until after the fact. We eloped, so romantic, so sexy, so wonderful! I don't think anyone was surprised since from the moment we met we were inseparable. The next huge thing that really effected me a lot was my grandmother passing away at 90. A wonderful, kind, sweet woman and such a big influence on me. I spoke at her funeral and I know she was listening, and as much as I said there was still so much, 46 years of memories, my lifetime. In a strange way I feel as though she was my last link to childhood. This means that I am officially descending into the second generation, that I'm getting mature.(old). I just flowed through the motions of life after that feeling sad for a little while.
I had been completely unsatisfied at work for a long time. The place was literally making me sick. So, I decided to end my year on a positive note, when I had a real moment of clarity after opening a fortune cookie that said "the truth is more bearable when told with compassion." With that thought in the back of my mind for days, I quit my job. I was planning on quitting anyways, as it was long over due. I just imagined, as one client put it, that I would leave in a blaze of glory, however, that is not how it went down. I decided to take the higher road, and after seventeen years of loyal service and whole lot of sweat equity on my part that aided in the success of the company, I passively aggressively, just simply left without even saying goodbye. Without the bravado I had envisioned, and was well deserved I might add I just never went back. I just left them guessing with my mild mannered, I'll see ya later,,, and maybe never would be to soon, type of departure. Life is just to short to work for a greedy, ungrateful, narcissist and that is putting it kindly, believe you me. Dwelling on the past however is a complete waste of energy. Looking forward to the future and concentrating on enjoying the present is a lot better use of my time and talent. With that spirit in mind I am happy to move forward and do what I am really good at and that is LAFS. Love, Astrology, Food and Style!